Tuesday, 1 December 2020

Google Alert - Science

Daily update 1 December 2020
Hindustan Times
A team led by an Indian-origin scientist in the US has developed a new system that can extract oxygen and hydrogen fuel from the salty water on Mars, and may radically change the logistics of future missions to the Red Planet and beyond. The researchers ...
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The new electrolyzer system created by researchers at the Washington University in St. Louis can extract oxygen and hydrogen directly out of briny Martian water. This illustration shows Jezero Crater — the landing site of the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover ...
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The Indian Express
Google's artificial intelligence unit took a giant step to predict the structure of proteins, potentially decoding a problem that has been described as akin to mapping the genome. DeepMind Technologies Ltd's AlphaFold reached the threshold for "solving" the ...
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India TV
In 1985, the International Astronomical Union had calculated earth's distance from black hole at 27,700 light years away. Almost two years ago, a study has found out that none of the universe's dark matter consists of ...
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A fireball spotted falling from the night sky over parts of western and central Japan has lit up social media, with users sharing images of the unusually bright shooting star. Local media said the fireball was believed to be a bolide, an extremely bright meteor that ...
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The moon's Ocean of Storms was once a busy place. Back in 1967, the U.S. successfully landed its Surveyor 3 spacecraft in the vast plain in the northern lunar hemisphere; little more than two years later, the Apollo 12 crew returned, touching down within 200 ...
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BBC News
China says it has successfully put another probe on the Moon. Its robotic Chang'e-5 mission touched down a short while ago with the aim of collecting samples of rock and dust to bring back to Earth. The venture has targeted Mons Rümker, a high volcanic ...
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Business Insider India
A new technology developed by a team of engineers at the Washington University in St Louis can directly coerce oxygen and hydrogen from salty water, making the process much cheaper. When humans eventually do visit Mars , this new technology could ...
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Amazonian rock art newly discovered by researchers provides further proof the rainforest's earliest inhabitants lived alongside now-extinct giant Ice Age animals. The thousands of pictures are among the oldest depictions of people interacting with the huge ...
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Researchers from the Centre of Excellence for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology (CQC2T) working with Silicon Quantum Computing (SQC) have located the 'sweet spot' for positioning qubits in silicon to scale up atom-based quantum ...
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