Monday, 30 September 2019

Google Alert - health tips

health tips
As-it-happens update 1 October 2019
Luckily, Whitney has some amazing tips for easing your way into it. ... The mental health is what started my entire fitness journey, and if I ate just ...
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Do you regularly eat or snack at your desk? If so, you'll want to make sure to "give bacteria the pink slip the next time you desktop dine," the Academy ...
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Topics include tips about shopping for healthy meals, portion sizes, easy ways to cut calories, avoiding common eating traps and tips on how to eat ...
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App users go through 10 lessons that provide tips to teach them how to deal with their cravings. Dr. Kathy Lofy, the state's health officer, said targeting ...
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A new study published in Plos One found that "a large number of Americans believe their physical health has been harmed by their exposure to ...
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